InfoSecWOTD#8 RansomCloud ๐Ÿ’€โ˜๏ธ

Today’s #infosec Word of the Day #8 is

#RansomCloud ๐Ÿ’€โ˜๏ธ

RansomCloud is Ransomware that targets your cloud data. Basically. it works similar to a ransomware attack but will get system level access to your cloud environment through various means, one of them is #phishing. Once it has access to the cloud infrastructure, it runs its process of scanning and encryption of data (emails, Databases etc.) over the cloud.

That is it for today, follow me for more tidbits, and hit that like button on this post to automatically engage in a conversation and keep #Learning!. A new word* will be posted tomorrow. Are you looking for previous word of the day? Just do a search for #INFOSECWOTD and you will be able to find them.

#learning!#ransomcloud #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecurity #phising #ransomware #INFOSECWOTD

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