Author: DKALYA

Picking up on Cybersecurity Skills

Maximizing Your Cybersecurity Learning Potential

Are you aiming to become a cybersecurity expert but finding your learning progress slower than you’d like? I recently found inspiration in a valuable concept presented by Elizabeth, a medical student, in her informative YouTube video titled “You’re Not Slow: Become a Speed Learner in 20 Minutes” (Source: I’ve adapted her idea to help you accelerate your journey toward mastering Cybersecurity.

Here are some key insights, influenced by Elizabeth’s wisdom, to expedite your Cybersecurity learning:

Building a Strong Foundation: Start by establishing a solid knowledge base.
Ask yourself:
What are the core principles of Cybersecurity?
Why are these principles crucial?
How do they underpin secure systems?
What practical skills can I immediately apply?
Where can I further deepen my understanding?

These questions will assist you in setting realistic goals and reducing frustration due to slow progress.
Here are some that are what I consider basics, you should be familiar with these concepts.

Mastering Fundamental Concepts:
Never underestimate the importance of foundational concepts. Even experts revisit them regularly.
What are the essential Cybersecurity concepts?
How do these concepts differentiate experts from beginners?
How quickly can I grasp these fundamental principles?

A strong grasp of the basics is key to expediting your learning.

  • Networking: A basic understanding of networking is essential for understanding how cyberattacks work and how to defend against them. This includes understanding concepts such as IP addresses, TCP/IP protocols, and network topologies.
  • Operating systems: A good understanding of operating systems is also important for cybersecurity professionals. This includes understanding how operating systems work, how to configure them securely, and how to troubleshoot them when problems arise.
  • Security concepts: There are a number of core security concepts that are essential for cybersecurity professionals to understand, such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, and authorization. These concepts are the foundation of all cybersecurity measures.
  • Security tools: There are a number of security tools that cybersecurity professionals use to protect computer systems and networks. These tools include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption tools.
  • Risk management: Cybersecurity professionals need to be able to identify, assess, and manage risks to computer systems and networks. This includes understanding the different types of cyber threats, how to assess their likelihood and impact, and how to implement appropriate controls to mitigate them.

Categorizing Your Learning: Organize your Cybersecurity knowledge into distinct categories
Security Fundamentals: The critical foundation
Practical Skills: Immediate and applicable
Administrative Details: Necessary but of lower priority
Less Relevant Topics: Not your primary focus.

Prioritize your learning based on these categories for maximum efficiency.

Flexible Learning Approach: Break free from rigid learning structures.
Keep it Interesting:
Focus on topics within the Cybersecurity domain that genuinely intrigue you.
Dont be afraid to jump domains, there is no particular order, the only order is what interests you.

This approach will maintain your motivation and prevent getting stuck in less engaging areas.

Let’s embark on this journey to unlock our Cybersecurity potential together! I extend my gratitude to Elizabeth for inspiring this approach to learning. #CybersecuritySkills #SpeedLearning #InfoSec


If you are looking for the write up of my CISSP Experience. Please click here (PDF)

Useful Resources

Boson and Official ISC2 Practice Tests.
English dictionary. What would I do without you.

ITPROTV Accelerated Course ( and some Long Versions)
Destination certification Mind Maps (YouTube).
Computerphile Videos on various topics (YouTube).
Kelly Handerhan’s cissp tips for exam (YouTube)

Last but not the least, join a study group.
There are plenty, there is one that I recommend. Certification Station.
And if you are looking for free. Discussions and sessions, join me every Saturday exclusively on
Certification Station on Discord.
If you came here looking for old notes and videos, go to
Good luck. If you are looking for the write up of my CISSP Experience. Please click here (PDF)

Risk in Security

I typically don’t dwell into this topic until unless I was told to speak about it in a conference / group discussion. While I admit, I do not have all the necessary certifications in place to be a subject matter expert, I certainly feel to understand the importance of Cybersecurity Frameworks in OT Security , you will need to understand some basic math and statistics. This post is to introduce you to these fundamental concepts.

Where do I begin?

Math Concepts:

It all starts with understanding that there are many thoughts, ideas and methodologies in cybersecurity practice. One thing is for sure, you will need some basic understanding of math. If I were starting from no where, then I would pick up a book on statistics and probability however, some basic concepts such as uncertainty and risk are important.

There is one important and vital concept that you need to have a very good understanding, it is called uncertainty. As in the case of a data breach, we are not certain or we lack data / information to calculate the true outcome of a data breach or when the data breach will actually occur. For example.

“There is a 35% chance that company ABC will have a data breach / data leak incident sometime in the next four years”

The objective is to be able to measure something and predict an outcome. In this particular example, we are very certain when something will happen.

There is a 30% chance that company ABC will have a cyberattack in the form of data breach or data leak in the next three years”

Here is the same example with certainty that something will result (loss) from the data breach to the organization.

There is a 20% chance that a data breach or data leak will result in a fine from GDPR regulation in the amount of $5 million dollars for the company ABC”

Risk Terminologies

For cybersecurity and other risk management methodologies, understanding the terms such as Vulnerability (V) , Threat (T), Impact (I) and Likelihood (L) is very essential to be able to measure risk and apply counter measures. Also I want to point that there are two important methods to risk management , a qualitative approach (subjective) and a quantitative approach. Which approach is good? There are studies out there that suggest otherwise. Read What’s Wrong with Risk Matrices? by Tony Cox (Link to original publication)

However, if you are a beginner in Risk Analysis, I certainly recommend you start with qualitative analysis for your understanding and also, choosing between the two is like choosing between a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup and spoon of vanilla ice Dippin’ Dots.

In order to understand both qualitative and quantitative approaches of risk analysis, we have some key risk terminologies that one needs to understand.

The case of the Sandwich Theif.

Let us say I have a special sandwich- my asset, which is very valuable, may have some secret sauce or ingredient. The value of this asset is $10, this is how much it cost for me to make it. Now, if I really want to protect this from a sandwich thief, I would like to know how valuable it is, did I not say $10, but it is not the true value. If I were to loose the $10 sandwich, it might cost me $30, why? Well, you see the sandwich when it was made, the ingredients were cheaper, may be I got a discounted price or I might spend $20 for the its shelf life on refrigeration. So understanding this value is very important because, if I were to put a counter measure, such as a lock on a cabinet or something more secure than that, then I want to make sure I am spending more than what is worth. Who makes that decision?

Vulnerability (V):

In cybersecurity, a vulnerability is a flaw, a weakness, a missing defense. This can be accidental or intentionally put in place.

An analogy to real world is “Padlocks are easiest to pick as they have a massive vulnerability in the form of easy access to locking pin and cylinder mechanism which can be aligned to pop open the lock”

Threat (T):

A threat is potential of exploiting a vulnerability which could result in a negative outcome. In cybersecurity, a threat is an exploitation of a vulnerability in a network, software or hardware that will allow a threat actor to gain privileged access to the system.

For example, a sandwich thief (threat actor) is a threat to your sandwich that is stored in a kitchen cabinet with a pad lock. How do we compute risk from threat and vulnerability?


Before we are able to define the risk, we need to also know what impact would this incident cost? Impact is the magnitude of harm that can be expected to result from a threat exploiting a vulnerability.

A sandwich stolen from the locked kitchen cabinet will result in a loss of $30 to your net worth.

We are almost ready to calculate risk, however, for the thief to exploit the vulnerability which is to pick the pad lock may seem easy enough but what if I told you, the kitchen is located in a armed location with 24 hours / 7 days a week surveillance and monitoring. Then what is the likely hood of such an event (incident) to even take place? You could say improbable or no chance at all and the impact would be moderate (subjective analysis).

We can express impact subjectively as follows:

Example 1:
Negligible-1, Minor-2, Moderate-3, Significant-4, Severe-5

Example 2:
Low-1, Moderate-2, High-3

Likelihood (L):

This is the probability that a threat will exploit the vulnerability. It is usually not a specific number but a range.

Example 1:
Frequently – 5, Likely-4, Occasionally-3, Very Seldom-2, Not Likely at all-1

Example 2: 
1=very unlikely, 2=low likelihood, 3=likely, 4=highly likely, and 5=near certain.

Risk Matrix / Risk Heat Map:

As you can see, we can then draw this Risk Matrix, also called as a Risk Heat Map.

As you can see, the qualitative analysis process involves judgment, intuition, and experience. For example, if I am a CSSP – Certified Sandwich Security Professional, with my intuition and judgement, I can categorize the risk of a sandwich thief stealing the sandwich to be LOW based on my understanding that it is unlikely for the sandwich thief to get into the kitchen and steal the sandwich which could have a protentional loss of $30 dollars, which is moderate. So, would I invest in putting any counter measures? As this is Risk is low, I would not consider it and accept this low risk.

End of this lesson, keep an eye out for more. Next- Quantitative Approach.

InfoSecWOTD#21 Ciphertext 🧮

Today’s #InfosecWOTD Day 21 is

#Ciphertext 🧮 

When you take a plain text and apply encryption algorithm, the resulting text is called ciphertext. The algorithm is called a cipher.

The word cipher (cypher) has its origins in the Arabic word صفر sifr which means zero and it took many centuries for the word to mean encoding.

That is it for today, follow me for more tidbits, and hit that like button on this post to automatically engage in a conversation and keep #Learning! A new word will be posted tomorrow.

Are you looking for the previous word of the day? Just search #INFOSECWOTD. #learning!#cybersecurityawareness #cybersecurity #INFOSECWOTD #cipher #ciphertext #cypher

InfoSecWOTD#19 Cryptojacking 💸😈

Today’s #InfosecWOTD Day 19 is

#Cryptojacking 💸😈

Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of personal or enterprise systems for crypto mining. The term crypto mining refers to an activity of solving cryptographic equations through the use of computing hardware to gain cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin etc.

That is it for today, follow me for more tidbits, and hit that like button on this post to automatically engage in a conversation and keep #Learning! A new word will be posted tomorrow.

Are you looking for the previous word of the day? Just search #INFOSECWOTD. #learning!#cybersecurityawareness #cybersecurity #INFOSECWOTD #cryptocurrency #crypto #dogecoin #bitcoin #Cryptojacking

InfoSecWOTD#18 RaaS 💀💰☁

Today’s #InfosecWOTD Day 18 is

#RaaS 💀💰☁

It stands for Ransomware as a Service. This type of cloud offering is illegal and works very similar to any other cloud services (anything as a service XaaS) and is used by bad actors to amplify the ransomware attacks.

RaaS is a subscription-based model which enables its customers or affiliates to use existing ransomware tools and other exploits to execute ransomware attacks.

In the recent months, a malicious group REvil has emerged very strong in conducting these RaaS based attacks and is behind the Kaseya VSA Attack. Read more here:

That is it for today, follow me for more tidbits, and hit that like button on this post to automatically engage in a conversation and keep #Learning! A new word will be posted tomorrow.

Are you looking for the previous word of the day? Just search #INFOSECWOTD#learning!#cybersecurityawareness #cybersecurity #INFOSECWOTD #RaaS #ransomwareattack #kaseya #kaseyavsa

InfoSecWOTD#17 Catfishing 🐱🎣

Here is fun #InfosecWOTD Day 17 and it is

#catfishing 🐱🎣

Catfishing and phishing has a lot of similarities. It is a form of social engineering attack where an individual aka the catfish, sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site such as LinkedIn for fraudulent or deceptive purposes.

You can apply very similar strategies to avoid becoming a victim of a catfishing attack.

That is it for today, follow me for more tidbits, and hit that like button on this post to automatically engage in a conversation and keep #Learning! A new word will be posted tomorrow.

Are you looking for the previous word of the day? Just search #INFOSECWOTD#learning!#cybersecurityawareness #cybersecurity #INFOSECWOTD #Catfish #catfishing #phishingattacks